Friday, February 24, 2012

Calcium intake, physical activity and alcohol


statistics of emphysema
We evaluated risk factors for osteoporosis in men. The subject of this study consisted of 686 middle-aged man (40-59 years) men who underwent bone mineral density (IPC) measurement and medical examination, including physical force. IPC L2-4 was measured in the anteroposterior position, using dual x-ray densitometry. Physical studies such as height, weight and physical strength, were conducted the examination day. Details of tobacco and alcohol, exercise and food intake were described to a questionnaire filled objects. Sixty-five (9. 5%) 686 patients had at least 2 of the IPC. 5 SD below peak bone mass (ILO), 182 (26. 5%) BMD between 1 SD and 2. 5 SD lasix 100mg below PBM, and 439 (64. 0%) had the IPC at least 1 SD below the PM. Body mass index (BMI) and leg strength were significant positive dterminants IPC, and smoking is a significant negative determinant of multiple regression analysis, with determination coefficient 9. 5%. Calcium intake, physical activity and alcohol consumption were not significant dterminants on ABOUT. These results suggest that bad behavior, lifestyle (eg smoking) accelerate the reduction of bone density. (Author ABSTRACT).

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